T-Breaks: All About Cannabis Tolerance Breaks

If you’re a cannabis enjoyer, you may be familiar with the term “t-break” or “tolerance break.” With consistent or even frequent use, your weed may start to not hit the same as it did before as your body starts getting used to your regular dose.

If you’re curious about tolerance breaks or taking one for yourself, keep reading to learn what they are, why people take them, and how you can go about a tolerance break for yourself. Stick around to the end for some answers to common t-break questions, too.

What is a Tolerance Break?

A tolerance break is the action of stopping something, like in the case of cannabis, to lower your tolerance to it. The goal of a tolerance break is usually to reset the body’s sensitivity to whatever thing you are taking a break from, like THC. Over time and with regular consumption, our bodies get accustomed and become less responsive to THC, which can diminish the effect of it.

When your tolerance starts to get high, you may start needing higher doses to feel the effects of the cannabinoids. This can be annoying, not to mention more expensive! Tolerance breaks are common among people who use cannabis regularly so they can take their tolerance back down over time.

Why Do People Take Tolerance Breaks?

Put simply, most people take tolerance breaks to feel the effects of cannabis more potently after their bodies have gotten used to THC. Some people who use cannabis do so to potentially help with certain ailments. These can be things like chronic pain, stomach issues, mental disorders, and more. When your tolerance for cannabis goes up, THC may not help as much as it used to.

Others take tolerance breaks to save money by needing less cannabis to feel their desired effects. Some people also take them to reset their cannabis routine and habits, looking to change up how they use it for their lifestyle. The biggest benefit to a tolerance break is to lower your tolerance to THC, which can help with a variety of things when it comes to how you use cannabis. 

Are Tolerance Breaks Just for Cannabis?

Short answer: Nope! There are a lot of things many people consume on a daily basis that our bodies can build up tolerance to. Caffeine is one of the most common ones. Many people love to have their morning cup of coffee or two, but over time, caffeine can stop giving the boost of energy they are used to. A break from caffeine can help that tolerance go down.

There are also some prescription and over-the-counter medications that you can build up a tolerance to as well. That’s why for many medications, doctors will slowly increase doses for their patients over time or recommend breaks from the medicine to prevent tolerance. Our bodies can also develop a tolerance for recreational things, like alcohol or nicotine.

How to Take a Tolerance Break

Taking a tolerance break can be a little daunting depending on why you’re taking it. They often need some planning and commitment to be successful. Here’s our step-by-step guide on how to take a tolerance break.

1. Set a Goal and Intentions

First, figure out why you’re taking a tolerance break. Are you trying to consume less? Do you want to change your cannabis habits? Are you looking to consume less overall? This will help you figure out why you’re taking the break and what you hope to gain from it. A clear goal can also help motivate you.

From there, determine how long you want to take a break. If you’re a consistent cannabis consumer or frequently enjoy potent products like concentrates, you may need a longer break to give your body plenty of time to reset. If you use cannabis less frequently, you may only need a week or so. Also, consider how long you’re willing to go without and what you may individually need.

2. Gradually Reduce Your Dose

Quitting anything cold turkey is difficult, and the same may go for cannabis if you’re using it frequently. If you use cannabis to help with things like chronic pain, digestive issues, or mental disorders, you may want to lower your dose slowly to prevent any discomfort while you take your break. You can also experiment with using lower doses for a period of time instead of abstaining altogether if needed.

3. Find Alternatives if You Need Them

Many people experience boredom when they take a tolerance break, as cannabis can be used to help with getting things done, having a daily cannabis routine, or otherwise. Substituting your daily smoke sesh with something like a meditation session, daily walk, or investing in hobbies can help fill that gap in your routine. These things can also help manage stress and occupy your time.

4. Put Yourself in the Right Spaces

When it comes to your headspace and physical space, make sure you’re in the right place. There’s no need to be miserable when you’re taking a T-break!

Be mindful of how you feel and why you’re feeling the way you do. Take steps to manage any discomfort or boredom. Try to avoid situations where cannabis will present or you may be pressured to take part. Give yourself time and space to take your break.

5. Reintroduce Slowly

Once you’ve ended your tolerance break, don’t go reaching for the most concentrated cannabis products possible just yet. Start back up slowly by using low doses. If your goal is to change your habits or consume less, avoid jumping back in head-first.

Tolerance Break FAQ

Here are some common questions and answers about T-breaks.

How Long Should a Tolerance Break Be?

A good duration for your tolerance break will vary depending on your habits, tolerance level, and how often you use cannabis. Some people only take a break for a few days, while others may take a few weeks or over a month off. Don’t feel the need to go all-in, though. Even a break as short as a week can make a difference.

Some recommend taking a 2-day tolerance break every month or so to avoid raising your tolerance too much without the need for a longer break. Your needs will depend on your habits.

Can I Experience Withdrawal Symptoms?

In some cases, people report feeling a little more irritable, having appetite issues, or struggling to sleep well when they take a break from cannabis. These symptoms are usually short-lived and may be similar to the experience of nicotine withdrawals, but they will likely only last a few days and are typically milder than traditional withdrawal symptoms. Depending on why you use cannabis and how often, you may have some discomfort a few days into your break. 

Will a Tolerance Break Affect My Medical Cannabis Use?

If you are a medical cannabis patient and use cannabis to treat a certain ailment, you should consult with your doctor before taking any breaks and get proper medical advice. Your physician can provide tailored guidance to your specific needs and goals.

Should Tolerance Breaks Be Taken Often?

This depends on your personal cannabis habits and routines. Some people benefit from breaks every few months, while others may not need breaks as frequently. This depends on why you use cannabis and how often.

T-Breaks: Conclusion

We hope this post helped you learn more about tolerance breaks and how to go about taking them! Remember to be mindful, take it slow, and reintroduce cannabis back into your lifestyle slowly after your break.

If you have any questions about tolerance breaks, lower-dose products, or otherwise, visit any of our Dreamz Dispensary locations across New Mexico and ask any of our knowledgeable budtenders! We’re happy to help with anything cannabis-related you may need. Check out our blog to learn more about cannabis, and reach out on our contact page if you have any questions.